

Introduction to Beets Media Library Management

Beets media library management Overview MusicPlayerPlus includes integrated installation and extensive configuration for the Beets media library management system. Beets is an open source, extens...

Introduction to MusicPlayerPlus

MusicPlayerPlus Introduction Mpcplus is an mpd client (compatible with mopidy) with a UI very similar to ncmpc, but it provides new useful features such as support for regular expressions for libr...

Streaming Music with MusicPlayerPlus

Streaming music with MusicPlayerPlus There are a number of different ways to stream music on Linux. Two will be described here - streaming with the Music Player Daemon (MPD), and streaming with th...

MusicPlayerPlus Initialization Benchmarks

MusicPlayerPlus Initialization Times Test MusicPlayerPlus initialization runs and resulting times. Commands performed after a fresh install and library creation: mppinit mppinit import mp...

MusicPlayerPlus Code Count Report

MusicPlayerPlus Code Count Report The following code count data was generated using David A. Wheeler’s SLOCCount tool. Thanks David! This data was generated using the source code for MusicPlayerP...

Introduction to Beets Plugins

MusicPlayerPlus installs and configures the Beets media library management system. Beets is a powerful and flexible media library management system and a large part of that power and flexibility is...

Anatomy of an ASCIImatics Script

Anatomy of an ASCIImatics Script This document examines the design, structure, features, and coding of a scripted ASCIImatics animation. As an example we use the asciimpplus command from the Music...